Acne Scar Revision
Great For
Acne & Acne Scars
Suitable for all skin types

Significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars
Correct & improve skin tone and texture

What to expect
How often?
How long?
Feels Like?
Some discomfort, 3 to 5 days recovery

How it works
Controlled Depth
Er:YAG laser has the advantage of controlled depth and heat in penetration, allowing for precisely controlled treatments.
Light Peel Skin Resurfacing
Micro thin layers of skin are gently ablated away to improve the appearance of the skin, reduce superficial imperfections, and restore a youthful texture resulting a glowing, pearl-like appearance of the skin. Two to three days of redness can be expected post treatment.
Medium Peel Skin Resurfacing
A slightly more aggressive ablative skin resurfacing modality than light peel skin resurfacing, the medium peel treatment will product a more pronounced effect with slightly longer associated down-time than the light peel. Mild Redness can be expected after the peel, and when the redness subsides the skin will have a bronzed appearance. The skin starts to peel between two to five days post treatment.
Deep Peel
For more dramatic results, the skin it peeled by ablating to the papillary dermis in deep peel resurfacing. Post treatment, the skin will be a deep red for up to 10 days. By the fifth day the redness begins to subside, and the skin will have a bronzed look. After 10 days the skin will begin to peel. Full recovery can take 14 days.
Fractional Peel Skin Resurfacing
Fractional Peels for skin resurfacing has the benefit of creating channels in the skin only over a fraction of the entire treatment area. The unaffected tissue promotes rapid healing. This results in increased comfort and shorter healing times with the benefit of adjusting the depth of the peel to achieve the desired result. The skin will be red for two to five days post treatment depending on the depth of peeling. Full recovery will be between five to ten days.
Always apply SPF to the treatment area and limit sun exposure. Active skin care can resume 48-72 hours post treatment.
Please notify your clinician if there are changes to your medical history, medications or pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances can affect the treatment outcome and more treatments may be necessary. Cooperation and adherence to aftercare protocols is necessary.
The use of anti-viral medication is recommended for patients with a history of herpes simplex or recent herpes infection or outbreak.
Topical aesthetic cream may be required for deeper peels.

Good to Know
Laser Platform
Fotona SP Dynamis Pro
Laser Source & Wavelength
Er:YAG 2940nm
Acne Scar Revision
Great For
Acne & Acne Scars
Suitable for all skin types

Significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars
Correct & improve skin tone and texture

What to expect
How often?
How long?
Feels Like?
Some discomfort, 3 to 5 days recovery

How it works
Controlled Depth
Er:YAG laser has the advantage of controlled depth and heat in penetration, allowing for precisely controlled treatments.
Light Peel Skin Resurfacing
Micro thin layers of skin are gently ablated away to improve the appearance of the skin, reduce superficial imperfections, and restore a youthful texture resulting a glowing, pearl-like appearance of the skin. Two to three days of redness can be expected post treatment.
Medium Peel Skin Resurfacing
A slightly more aggressive ablative skin resurfacing modality than light peel skin resurfacing, the medium peel treatment will product a more pronounced effect with slightly longer associated down-time than the light peel. Mild Redness can be expected after the peel, and when the redness subsides the skin will have a bronzed appearance. The skin starts to peel between two to five days post treatment.
Deep Peel
For more dramatic results, the skin it peeled by ablating to the papillary dermis in deep peel resurfacing. Post treatment, the skin will be a deep red for up to 10 days. By the fifth day the redness begins to subside, and the skin will have a bronzed look. After 10 days the skin will begin to peel. Full recovery can take 14 days.
Fractional Peel Skin Resurfacing
Fractional Peels for skin resurfacing has the benefit of creating channels in the skin only over a fraction of the entire treatment area. The unaffected tissue promotes rapid healing. This results in increased comfort and shorter healing times with the benefit of adjusting the depth of the peel to achieve the desired result. The skin will be red for two to five days post treatment depending on the depth of peeling. Full recovery will be between five to ten days.
Always apply SPF to the treatment area and limit sun exposure. Active skin care can resume 48-72 hours post treatment.
Please notify your clinician if there are changes to your medical history, medications or pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances can affect the treatment outcome and more treatments may be necessary. Cooperation and adherence to aftercare protocols is necessary.
The use of anti-viral medication is recommended for patients with a history of herpes simplex or recent herpes infection or outbreak.
Topical aesthetic cream may be required for deeper peels.

Good to Know
Laser Platform
Fotona SP Dynamis Pro
Laser Source & Wavelength
Er:YAG 2940nm